At City Sprouts Farm, we are dedicated to increasing access to local, organically grown food in our community.
We believe that everyone should be able to obtain fresh, nutritious food, and local food systems must prioritize the availability of quality food to those in need.
Our farm is located in the largest USDA recognized "Food Desert" in Bellingham.
We strive to make the produce we grow accessible to those who might not usually be able to afford it at the typical places where local food is found, such as food co-ops and farmers markets. ​​
Here are some ways we have worked to increase food access:​
Donations to The Birchwood Food Desert Fighters weekly "Share Spot"
Weekly donations to Sea Mar Community Health Centers
Weekly dontations to WWU on-campus Food Pantries
We offer our CSA on a sliding scale and offer scholarships to family's in need.
We provide eductional opportunies for University students to learn about food justice to understand the structural inequity in our food system.